Ekta Kapoor I can’t create magic, where all my serials will have the highest ratings. – Ekta Kapoor Create Quotes Magic Quotes Ratings Quotes Serials Quotes The reason for certain shows not doing well or as per expectations is that they were not aired on not so popular channels. All my shows airing on different channels have been the top shows.
Erwin McManus Often we talk about God’s ability to change lives without fully understanding how to access that power. – Erwin McManus
Steven Moffat If you take most men aside when their wives are pregnant, most men are pretty frightened and worried and faintly disgusted by the whole experience. – Steven Moffat
Dani Shapiro Strange – I’m not much of a film person. I love watching films, but they don’t stay with me the way books do. Stranger still, because my husband is a screenwriter! – Dani Shapiro
Sean Elliott I was a healthy young man, and I thought I was invincible before I was diagnosed with kidney disease. – Sean Elliott
Manu Ginobili Sometimes having good games. Sometimes bad ones. Sometimes making shots, and sometimes not. I’m the same guy, and I always said that winning the championship or not winning it, scoring 20 the last game or second-to-last or whatever, or zero, is not going to change who I am or the decision I make. – Manu Ginobili
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