Rod Stewart I can’t do that wonderful thing that Tom Waits and Bob Dylan do – to do imagery. I’m not good at that. I just write from the heart. – Rod Stewart Bob Quotes Dylan Quotes Heart Quotes Imagery Quotes Tom Quotes Waits Quotes Wonderful Quotes Write Quotes At my age you don’t go into fatherhood lightly. I have a very lively and colourful show. It’s two hours of hits and the music speaks for itself.
Harris Dickinson I think at that age where you’re starting to come into who you are as a young man, being told you can’t do something or being told no sort of makes you want to do it even more. I noticed that with certain people that I grew up with that had really strict parents. – Harris Dickinson
Lachlan Watson I grew up on ‘Doctor Who,’ and they used to do holiday specials every single year, and it just made me so happy that it was just sort of this tradition every year. – Lachlan Watson
Liu Bolin Each one chooses his or her path to come in contact with the external world. I chose to merge with the environment. – Liu Bolin
AloneGiuseppe Verdi I adore art… when I am alone with my notes, my heart pounds and the tears stream from my eyes, and my emotion and my joys are too much to bear. – Giuseppe Verdi
Mike Binder You’ve got to feel a little nervous when you first meet Spielberg. The guy’s an apparition. – Mike Binder
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