Gary Woodland I can’t play video games because I have that addictive personality. If I started playing video games I wouldn’t stop. – Gary Woodland Addictive Quotes Games Quotes Personality Quotes Play Quotes Playing Quotes Started Quotes Video Quotes When I got hurt and had surgery on my left shoulder, my arm was in a sling for over a month but I could play Ping-Pong right-handed. I started playing and got addicted. I come from Kansas; we’re steak-and-potato boys. I grew up on meat.
Benji Madden Anyone who’s followed our band through the years has heard about the teenage angst. – Benji Madden
Ben HorowitzCommunicationTechnology With communication technology in general, there’s a kind of certain critical mass of people. Once you get to 15% of the world’s entire population using one communication technology, that’s a big deal. It’s beyond the theoretical at this point. The people who think it’s a fad have probably not been paying that much attention. – Ben Horowitz
Amy LandeckerAnger I find rage to be the scariest emotion as an actor, for me personally, to tap into. I don’t like anger, and I don’t like conflict particularly in my life. I like everybody to be nice and things to be easy. – Amy Landecker
Ben Stein I am about to vote. I am about to do something that human beings are rarely allowed to do. I am doing something that did not exist until America. – Ben Stein
Steve Mollenkopf When people talk about wearables, when people talk about connected XYZ – home, car, whatever – those are all smartphone technologies. – Steve Mollenkopf
Frank Vincent I think ‘The Sopranos’ probably solidifies the misconception that people have about New Jersey to begin with. Because you’re from Jersey, and everybody has an accent, you are perceived a certain way. I don’t know if they are jealous or in awe or look down their nose at you, but that’s the way life is. If you don’t like it, change the channel. – Frank Vincent
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