Ben Chaplin I care about all the characters I play, and I get quite defensive about them. – Ben Chaplin Care Quotes Characters Quotes Defensive Quotes Play Quotes When you arrive in L.A. as an Englishman, you might as well be on the moon. People just don’t understand you if you speak too fast, and most people there think you’re Australian. Ordering was incredibly complicated. I was speechless. I like clothes that are simple and preferably cheap unless I’m being given it for free.
Rachel Kushner My dad had a Vincent Black Shadow, which was a quite particular thing: it was the fastest cycle of its era… It sparked a world for me; when I was old enough, I got a motorcycle. – Rachel Kushner
Colin Hanks I guess maybe someone at ‘Dexter’ saw the ‘Mad Men’ stuff and thought, ‘He can do this.’ – Colin Hanks
Floyd Abrams I am really impressed by lawyers who write books and tell us that they never lost a case. Most lawyers who have never lost a case have not had enough hard cases. But there are very difficult cases out there. – Floyd Abrams
Brian Dennehy If I could transform my stage life to the movies, I’d be Jack Nicholson. – Brian Dennehy
DesignPeter Zumthor The first 10 years of my professional life had only to do with running away from my father. He was a wonderful cabinet-maker, and me being the eldest son, I had to take over his shop, his profession and so on and so on. I tried to escape by going to art school and then going on to industrial design and then interior design. – Peter Zumthor
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