Frances Arnold I care about this beautiful planet that we all share. This is a home that we have to leave in good shape for the next generations. – Frances Arnold Beautiful Quotes Care Quotes Generations Quotes Leave Quotes Planet Quotes Shape Quotes Share Quotes What we need is a strong education system that allows creativity to grow and encourages students to be interested in science and technology. I do something to make things nature never made but which is useful to humans.
BeBe Zahara Benet I’m very excited to be able to take the Jungle Kitty experience to different places and travel with it and meet all the different jungle kitties out there. – BeBe Zahara Benet
Jon Lester No matter what you do in the offseason, you can’t simulate putting spikes on and standing in the grass and being around your teammates. When you’re around your teammates, you step it up a notch. It’s just kind of instinctive you do that. – Jon Lester
Avery Bradley It makes me happy knowing my teammates are always going to have my back defensively, and I’m always going to have theirs. – Avery Bradley
Emil Nolde The art of an artist must be his own art. It is… always a continuous chain of little inventions, little technical discoveries of one’s own, in one’s relation to the tool, the material and the colors. – Emil Nolde
DreamsMary Shelley My dreams were at once more fantastic and agreeable than my writings. – Mary Shelley
Ramy Youssef The stories I always see about a first-generation kid trying to erase where they came from, or trying to just be white, I would watch those shows or movies and I was like, ‘I don’t get this.’ This isn’t how I feel. – Ramy Youssef
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