Heather Morris I carry one black mascara and one brown. – Heather Morris Black Quotes Brown Quotes Carry Quotes Mascara Quotes I can’t live without my dark plum eyeliner. I use liquid because it’s easier on my eyes. I love to wear red lipstick a lot, even in the daytime.
Gerald Chertavian As we say at Year Up all the time, investing in our young people is not just a matter of economic justice. It’s good business sense. – Gerald Chertavian
Jerry Reinsdorf We completely support Commissioner Silver’s decision today regarding Clippers owner Donald Sterling, and praise him for his prompt investigation and action. – Jerry Reinsdorf
Ari Shaffir You just gotta record stuff and move on and make new material. Painters don’t wait until they’re in some specific gallery before they move on to the next painting. – Ari Shaffir
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