Rick Astley I come away from a gig thinking, ‘Yeah, I’m worth something.’ I can still do it and entertain people, and that’s worth it. – Rick Astley Entertain Quotes Gig Quotes People Quotes Thinking Quotes Worth Quotes Yeah Quotes Back in the ’80s, I was known for being reclusive, often shying away from media attention. I used to go to soul nights because I loved dancing, and so did my friends, and we loved the music. We used to go listen to black American soul.
James Gandolfini People don’t know and they shouldn’t know that you work incredibly hard as an actor. – James Gandolfini
Randy Rainbow I did have a thing for mazes. When I was a kid, I remember drawing little mazes constantly and puzzles. I loved that. – Randy Rainbow
Brandi Rhodes I don’t have great lashes. They are kind of stumpy and they won’t do what I want them to. I don’t want to wear falsies everyday, and I don’t want to get eyelash extensions. – Brandi Rhodes
Antonia Lofaso I didn’t grow up with the idea that because I’m a female I can’t do any of this. Yes, it’s a male-dominated area, but I never look at it like male or female; I just look at it like I want to do this too. – Antonia Lofaso
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