Robert Vaughn I come from a long line of staunch Irish Catholics. – Robert Vaughn Catholics Quotes Irish Quotes Staunch Quotes By virtue of believing in a Supreme Being one embraces certain mysteries. My belief in God is responsible for what I am… How can I refuse to talk about something which is so much a prt of my life both as a man and as a actor?
Bill Burr If I can sell out clubs and theaters and play dirtbags in movies, and get blown up in a car or get the crap beat out of me in a movie, that’s good for me; I’m good. – Bill Burr
Greg Hardy I feel like every single fight, the difference in my game, the difference that you see in Greg Hardy, the fighter, has been substantial. – Greg Hardy
ChristmasLulu WangMom I grew up in Beijing and Beijing roast duck is my favorite. My mom makes it every year for Christmas Eve. How crispy the skin is is how good a duck restaurant is. – Lulu Wang
Lynn Good On two occasions, utility executives I’d never met had looked at me and said, ‘I thought you’d be bigger!’ In a way, I took that as a compliment! – Lynn Good
Janez Drnovsek Slovenia wishes that Montenegro will continue successfully its way towards European integration and will reach peaceful co-habitation with other former Yugoslav peoples within a united Europe. – Janez Drnovsek
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