Sissy Spacek I connect with just plain old everyday people. Human behavior fascinates me, the people who are the nuts and bolts of this country who help hold up the world. – Sissy Spacek Behavior Quotes Bolts Quotes Connect Quotes Country Quotes Everyday Quotes Fascinates Quotes Hold Quotes Human Quotes Nuts Quotes People Quotes Plain Quotes The important thing is to be part of a good project with good, talented people. I love the women I’ve played.
Karl Lagerfeld Everything has changed, and nothing has changed more than the world of fashion. – Karl Lagerfeld
CourageRajnath Singh Our soldiers in Siachen are performing their duty with great courage and fortitude, even in extreme conditions and treacherous terrain. – Rajnath Singh
Hugh Jackman To this day, I am the least materialistic person I know, because my father didn’t raise me to just go out and buy this or that car. The only reason I wanted to make money as an actor was because I’m passionate about food! – Hugh Jackman
John Witherspoon In ‘Boomerang,’ they didn’t have a script at all, they just told me to come up with some stuff. – John Witherspoon
Rick Hoffman As actors, for the most part, there’s that neuroses most of us possess where, in a day of watching, this character get killed off of this show, and that character get killed off of that show – one never knows. – Rick Hoffman
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