John Torode I cooked, which was pretty un-Australian. And I didn’t really like Australian music… I preferred the New Romantics and punk and stuff like that. – John Torode Australian Quotes Cooked Quotes Music Quotes Preferred Quotes Pretty Quotes Punk Quotes Romantics Quotes Stuff Quotes Unaustralian Quotes I grew up in a world with my father where you learnt to iron, you learnt to cook, you learnt how to clean the toilet… I want my children to be the same… I want them to be anywhere in the world and be able to cope. I don’t like to eat in front of people.
Ashley Roberts I’ve been dancing and wearing costumes my whole life, so there’s that sexiness to who I am that I enjoy. – Ashley Roberts
Frans Timmermans Being part of the E.U. in Poland means that for the first time in a millennium, nobody disputes Poland’s borders, and it brought a level of freedom that Poland has never known before. – Frans Timmermans
Lily TomlinMarriage You don’t really need to get married, but marriage is awfully nice. Everybody I know who got married, they say it really makes a difference. They feel very, very happy about it. – Lily Tomlin
Rosamund Pike I remember times of anxiety, ups and downs, and times of unexpected windfalls. But my parents loved what they did. And because their work was also their hobby, it taught me that work could be fulfilling. – Rosamund Pike
Riddick Bowe Being a little kid, you don’t hear much about racism. You figure everybody’s the same. If racism isn’t taught, you’re just a black kid and a white kid together. – Riddick Bowe
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