Scott Ian I could care less about sitting around and practicing the guitar for hours a day and trying to be the best guitar player on the planet. – Scott Ian Care Quotes Day Quotes Guitar Quotes Hours Quotes Planet Quotes Player Quotes Practicing Quotes Sitting Quotes A guitar for me is pretty much strictly in the context of writing songs for my band, coming up with ideas with my band, and then being able to perform those songs as best as I can on stage – that’s what the guitar for me has always been. I love what I do, somehow I have been able to play in a band for my entire life and that is all I ever wanted to do. I love that I get to do that.
Robby Gordon We work in a shop about the size of the paint department of Richard Childress Racing. – Robby Gordon
Andris Nelsons I believe we have a physical body and a soul. It doesn’t matter what religion you are, whether or not you believe in God. I think people believe that there is a soul and a body. – Andris Nelsons
Pankaj Mishra After India and China, Indonesia was the biggest new nation-state to emerge in the mid-twentieth century. – Pankaj Mishra
Hakeem OlajuwonPeaceReligionRespect The difference must be distinguished between worship and respect. Islam orders you to obey and respect, as long as you are not worshiping anything other than God… Islam is a religion of peace. You don’t attack. You explain. – Hakeem Olajuwon
Judd Apatow For me, until I know that the audience really gets what I’m trying to communicate I’m not done. – Judd Apatow
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