Kenny Omega I could say, you know, if I could work with Seth Rollins at some point in time, that would be a lot of fun. – Kenny Omega Fun Quotes Lot Quotes Rollins Quotes Seth Quotes Time Quotes If I were ever in a position to appear more for ROH, I would accept nothing less than to be recognized as the best – which would mean having to challenge the top dogs/champions. As a professional wrestler in the position I am in, I would rather have people remember my matches for an emotion or for a certain thought it evoked when they saw it.
David OgilvyFamily Never write an advertisement which you wouldn’t want your family to read. You wouldn’t tell lies to your own wife. Don’t tell them to mine. – David Ogilvy
Dorothy Hamill My whole family, my father’s side, there was a great deal of depression, and my mother’s side as well. – Dorothy Hamill
Brian EnoMusicSpace Once music ceases to be ephemeral – always disappearing – and becomes instead material… it leaves the condition of traditional music and enters the condition of painting. It becomes a painting, existing as material in space, not immaterial in time. – Brian Eno
Chang-Rae Lee After college, I was living in New York and wrote furiously, a huge novel that I knew was a failure. I hoped that the book would work, but to be honest, I think I knew it would never work, even as I was finishing it. – Chang-Rae Lee
Cameron MathisonRelationship I work a lot of hours, and in this business you really try to keep as busy as you possibly can. Sometimes when you really focus on kids in your free time you lose the husband and wife relationship to some degree. It’s been a real focus for us to make sure we stay focused on us two. – Cameron Mathison
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