Benjamin Clementine I dedicate all my time to music. And I’m glad that it’s paying off in some ways. – Benjamin Clementine Dedicate Quotes Glad Quotes Music Quotes Paying Quotes Time Quotes When I was very young, my brother and I, we used to go into charity shops to buy suits. The thing about clothes is that people judge you by what you wear, unfortunately. So when we wore suits, people gave us respect – we were very young, and it made them think we were older. With this sort of career, you need determination. You’ve got to sacrifice a lot of things: family, friends – not that I had any – but you sacrifice everything.
Beth Henley But here’s the thing: what you do as a screenwriter is you sell your copyright. As a novelist, as a poet, as a playwright, you maintain your copyright. – Beth Henley
Des Browne Are we prepared to tolerate a world in which countries which care about morality lay down their nuclear weapons, leaving others to threaten the rest of the world or hold it to ransom? – Des Browne
Jack Valenti Foreign capital to build new cinemas will help modernize China’s aging cinema infrastructure, attract Chinese consumers back into cinemas, and increase demand for U.S. films. – Jack Valenti
Aaron Ramsdale It’s very hard as a footballer to try and stay in one place for a long time, to try and create a home where you can have a family. – Aaron Ramsdale
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