Autre Ne Veut I definitely have a little Woody Allen inside of me. That is true. – Autre Ne Veut Allen Quotes TRUE Quotes Woody Quotes In the ’90s, it was cool to just like R&B. But I liked Nirvana and stuff, too. My first super-worn-out tapes were Michael Jackson’s ‘Bad’ and the soundtrack to ‘Dirty Dancing.’ The soundtrack to ‘Dirty Dancing’ is actually really phenomenal.
Bonnie Bedelia Women over 35 have great stories, and the actresses are there, but you can’t get the movies made. – Bonnie Bedelia
Bill Laswell I think if you look at exactly where you are, you can’t really focus without looking back and forward at the same time. – Bill Laswell
Elizabeth Bowen Meeting people unlike oneself does not enlarge one’s outlook; it only confirms one’s idea that one is unique. – Elizabeth Bowen
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