Janet Varney I did a pilot for Nickelodeon that didn’t end up going to series. – Janet Varney Nickelodeon Quotes Pilot Quotes Series Quotes I think, coming from an improv/sketch background, I’m just used to having people around me to feed off of and support. I can’t believe I managed to go through a liberal-arts and theater education and take all these women’s-studies classes and never have addressed that the ‘Muppets’ were all boys, except for one pig who was obsessed with herself!
Dee Rees Mudbound’ highlights the fact that we’re still battling a lot of the same issues as we were all of those decades ago. – Dee Rees
Isaac Brock I like Modest Mouse. I’m our biggest fan. And enemy. I won’t waste people’s time by putting out a Modest Mouse record just because. That’s fair, right? – Isaac Brock
Hussein of Jordan I wish to say to you that the life of an enlightened people and a vibrant nation cannot be measured by the life of an individual. A successful person is one who manages to lay down a new stone, a brick that would help firm up his nation’s existence. – Hussein of Jordan
Joe Bonamassa Nothing I’m doing musically is revolutionary in any way, shape, or form. – Joe Bonamassa
Paul Guilfoyle American shows don’t always translate, but this one has and speaking for myself I’m quite glad for it. – Paul Guilfoyle
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