Hiro Murai I did a short film with Donald Glover for one of his Childish Gambino projects, and Flying Lotus was an actor in it. – Hiro Murai Actor Quotes Childish Quotes Donald Quotes Film Quotes Flying Quotes Gambino Quotes Glover Quotes Lotus Quotes Projects Quotes Short Quotes Some people draw a line between music videos and short films, looking down on music videos as a format, but there’s so much potential in music videos. Your understanding of culture can be very skewed sometimes, depending on what you’re taking in!
Joe Sestak A President can obstruct justice and Congress has the full right to hold a President accountable for such law-breaking through impeachment. After a President leaves office, I believe they may be held accountable through the courts as well. – Joe Sestak
Barry Trotz Bobby Orr, I thought he was the greatest player of all time because he was so far ahead of the competition in his prime. – Barry Trotz
James St James We danced on the lip of the volcano, so to speak. We were young, too. And New York was still a big, open city where anything could happen and anyone could be star. Rents were cheap, creativity was encouraged, and bottle service was still 20 years away. That was the era the Club Kids came into. – James St James
BirthdayCarSean Lock I’m amazed by how angry people get about new art, particularly new sculptures in their town. The people who hate new sculpture usually find their type of art on birthday cards, pictures of a vintage car going round a hairpin bend and suchlike. – Sean Lock
Anthony Fantano In terms of sound, it’s nothing huge, but when it comes to passion, The Tallest Man on Earth can be spotted from miles away. – Anthony Fantano
Michael Bolton When I was invited to sing with Pavarotti, I had about two weeks to learn Italian. – Michael Bolton
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