Karlie Kloss I did every sport under the sun while growing up. – Karlie Kloss Growing Quotes Sport Quotes Sun Quotes I’m one of those tall, lanky, awkward kids. I think to have the skill set and the ability to physically help others in matters of life and death must be incredibly empowering.
Scott McCloud It would take a lifetime to read all the webcomics published in one year. – Scott McCloud
Jane McGonigal For most people, an hour a day playing our favorite games will power up our ability to engage whole-heartedly with difficult challenges, strengthen our relationships with the people we care about most – while still letting us notice when it’s time to stop playing in virtual worlds and bring our gamer strengths back to real life. – Jane McGonigal
Danielle Brooks I think theater and church are so relatable because it’s traditional call-and-response in the way that an audience interacts with the actors. – Danielle Brooks
Leandra Medine I got a C in art when I was in 11th grade. That it is even possible to come out of a high school art class with a C is wondrous, especially considering the creative license we were encouraged to use to, for lack of a better axiom, color outside the lines. – Leandra Medine
David Harsanyi Throughout the Old Testament, God warns his chosen people about the perils of assimilation, shiksappeal and false gods. – David Harsanyi
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