Alice Hoffman I did go there later, but I hadn’t been there before I wrote the book. Sometimes I feel like the imagined can feel more real than the real? – Alice Hoffman Book Quotes Feel Quotes Imagined Quotes Real Quotes Wrote Quotes No one knows how to write a novel until it’s been written. I think secrets often come out. I spoke to a friend who is a therapist and I asked her if there were people who came to her and admitted to doing horrible things and she said, ‘More than you know.’
Mirko Cro Cop Low kicks, you need to throw at least 20 to finish the guy, and he has 20 chances to block you, and you can break your leg. – Mirko Cro Cop
Georg C Lichtenberg He who is in love with himself has at least this advantage – he won’t encounter many rivals. – Georg C Lichtenberg
Deon Cole Growing up using Old Spice was everything to me, so it’s huge to join the world-famous group of Old Spice Guys. – Deon Cole
Richard Cabral In this society, you have to belong to something, I feel, and all we have in the neighborhood is a gang. – Richard Cabral
Suzan DelBene We saw firsthand how a collapsed bridge in Skagit County impacted our local economy, which is why we must fix our infrastructure now before it’s more expensive to maintain in the future. – Suzan DelBene
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