Conchata Ferrell I did sketches and had the best time of my life because people were laughing. I was not self-conscious, because they laughed when I wanted them to. – Conchata Ferrell Laughed Quotes Laughing Quotes Life Quotes People Quotes Selfconscious Quotes Sketches Quotes Time Quotes It’s a tradition in our family that the girls all be given crazy names, usually picked out of Gothic novels. April was my first major role and provided me with my Equity card.
Oliver GoldsmithSuccessTime Success consists of getting up just one more time than you fall. – Oliver Goldsmith
Lewis B Smedes Nothing enables us to forgive like knowing in our hearts that we have been forgiven. – Lewis B Smedes
Pope John XXIIITruth Every Christian must be convinced of his fundamental and vital duty of bearing witness to the truth in which he believes and the grace that has transformed him. – Pope John XXIII
Sylvia Pankhurst Love and freedom are vital to the creation and upbringing of a child. – Sylvia Pankhurst
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