Bear McCreary I didn’t become a TV and film composer because I wanted to play sold-out rock concerts, but that’s what’s ended up happening. And it’s fun. – Bear McCreary Composer Quotes Concerts Quotes Film Quotes Fun Quotes Happening Quotes Play Quotes Rock Quotes Soldout Quotes My brother grew up listening to rock n’ roll and then he started to discover film music. I was the exact opposite. I grew up listening to nothing but film music. The first season of ‘Human Target’ was to me the pinnacle of my career as a composer. It pushed me to become a much more sophisticated orchestral writer.
Sam Harris Many of my fellow atheists consider all talk of ‘spirituality’ or ‘mysticism’ to be synonymous with mental illness, conscious fraud, or self-deception. I have argued elsewhere that this is a problem – because millions of people have had experiences for which ‘spiritual’ and ‘mystical’ seem the only terms available. – Sam Harris
AgeJudy Gold Remember the phrase – ‘Act your age, not your shoe size?’ That didn’t apply to me, as they were the same until the age of 12 when my feet stopped growing. – Judy Gold
Channing Tatum I have the flying dream a lot where I’m jumping off a building and just flying around. – Channing Tatum
Sean Evans If you think scrawling your Twitter handle on a bus window with a Sharpie is a worthwhile way to gain followers, your social media strategy is headed in a pretty pathetic direction. – Sean Evans
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