Morgan Wallen I didn’t grow up being a performer, really. I played baseball. – Morgan Wallen Baseball Quotes Grow Quotes Performer Quotes Played Quotes I liked Lynyrd Skynyrd, Led Zeppelin and the Eagles. Those were some of my favorites. I took a few months off after my senior year was over, and I prayed and tried to figure out what was my plan and my purpose. That’s how I started writing songs and playing guitar just to get my feelings out.
Robert Greene We do not see people as they are, but as they appear to us. And these appearances are usually misleading. – Robert Greene
Randy Pitchford Demand alone might let a business case be created, but things driven by that will have a risk of being soulless. You need it being driven from both directions. You need the nexus between demand and creative passion that wants to make something. – Randy Pitchford
JealousyPenny Hardaway I’m getting used to this as a coach because it’s a little jealousy from a lot of these coaches around the country. I do understand that, because we are NBA players trying to come back, and we didn’t have any experience as college coaches. So we didn’t, quote, unquote, ‘Pay our dues.’ – Penny Hardaway
John Frusciante My religious point of view is something I can’t talk about. It goes against my belief system to talk publicly about my own spiritual beliefs. – John Frusciante
AngerK'naan I have moments of darkness, of anger, and moments of rage. They do creep up at the most inopportune times. Not to recognize that in my music would give people a sense of sainthood that I don’t necessarily have or even want to have. – K’naan
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