Monica Galetti I didn’t like Christchurch when I visited a long time ago. I had been camping on the outskirts of some gorgeous little towns throughout the South Island. But when I arrived in Christchurch, I just didn’t like it nor find it to be very friendly. – Monica Galetti Arrived Quotes Camping Quotes Christchurch Quotes Friendly Quotes Gorgeous Quotes Island Quotes Outskirts Quotes South Quotes Time Quotes Towns Quotes Visited Quotes I’m quite partial to cheese and biscuits with some nice ripe green grapes on the side. At a certain point, women have to decide how much they want their career versus having a family and spending time with family.
Anish Giri Online chess is very popular and cool, don’t get me wrong, but it is a different discipline. – Anish Giri
Khoudia DiopMorningSmile To this day, the first thing that I do every morning is look in the mirror. I’ll tell myself, ‘Look at your skin. Look at your teeth and your smile. You are beautiful.’ – Khoudia Diop
Mireille Guiliano Quality of life is very important in France. I have many friends who turned down promotions and more money because it would affect their quality of life as a couple or a mother. – Mireille Guiliano
Helen Baxendale Today’s culture is based on selling us a lifestyle that does not exist. It is selling us values that are worth nothing. It is plain wrong. – Helen Baxendale
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