Carol Loomis I didn’t want to be a ‘Fortune’ writer who was constrained in any way. – Carol Loomis Constrained Quotes Fortune Quotes Writer Quotes There is a certain oddity to Larry Fink having problems in Washington. He is a strong Democrat who has close ties to President Obama and has often been rumored as set to take a big administration job, such as Secretary of the Treasury. In general, the hedge funds were clobbered by the 1969 bear market, ending up in many cases with records that were worse than those put together by aggressive mutual funds denied the luxury of short sales.
Billy Bob Thornton I love being an actor, doing it all. That’s not exciting and controversial, but it’s true. – Billy Bob Thornton
Lance Bass I’ve definitely, you know, been with women. And I’ve had great relationships with them where I was definitely in love. It’s just I grew to a point where deep inside I knew that I could never truly have a relationship with a woman. I don’t know if they ever suspected. It was never brought up. – Lance Bass
Johnny Depp Edward Scissorhands’ was tough to let go of because I found real safety in allowing myself to be that open, that honest. To explore purity. It was a hard one to walk away from. – Johnny Depp
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