Brian Posehn I didn’t want to write sketch comedy after ‘Mr. Show.’ I felt like, after ‘Mr. Show’, why would you want to go work at any of the other places that existed then? – Brian Posehn Comedy Quotes Existed Quotes Sketch Quotes Write Quotes I got into Kiss before I got into anybody. The first thing I heard was ‘Detroit Rock City.’ I heard it in the school library, where I lived. A lot of the traditional sitcom stuff I did – I think I could have gone that route when I was younger as a staff writer, and I just didn’t want to.
Josh Ryan Evans My size is an asset to me. People write roles for me. If I was just another blond-haired, brown-eyed, 18-year-old actor, I’d be left unrecognized. People remember me. – Josh Ryan Evans
Stephen Karam The human condition is endlessly fascinating to me, and the existential horrors of life are what drive our imaginations and theater in general. – Stephen Karam
DietMolly Sims I think I’ve done every crazy diet there was in the beginning, but it’s weird: I’m thinner now than I was when I was modeling. I don’t obsess about it. – Molly Sims
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