John Burdett I discovered that Thailand was one of those countries, like Sri Lanka and India, where memory of past lives used to be commonplace. Go back a few generations, and you find people talking about earlier lives with total certainty. – John Burdett Certainty Quotes Commonplace Quotes Countries Quotes Discovered Quotes Earlier Quotes Generations Quotes India Quotes Lanka Quotes Lives Quotes Memory Quotes People Quotes Sri Quotes Talking Quotes Thailand Quotes Total Quotes To a Buddhist, contradictions only exist in a mind that has been forced to cultivate them. The world other than as advertised can be an amazing place.
Russell Smith In the best stories, people are morally complex; they are flawed. We read them because the world is flawed, and we want to see it truthfully represented. And because it can be thrilling to be shocked and upset, and even to feel, for chilling moments, what it’s like to be a bad person. – Russell Smith
Brian Banks Behind bars, everyone’s an inmate. Everybody has their skeletons; everybody has their story. – Brian Banks
Harry Wilson Being at Liverpool since the age of eight, it’s always been my dream to break into the first team and be playing at Anfield week in, week out. – Harry Wilson
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad We are not afraid of nuclear weapons. The point is that if we had in fact wanted to build a nuclear bomb, we are brave enough to say that we want it. But we never do that. – Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Manny Farber Henry V’ is a great deal more than almost any other hell-bent-for-armor movie that you’ve seen. – Manny Farber
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