Kenneth Lonergan I do a lot of improvising when I’m writing, and I work very hard on the scripts… they are written very much in an actor-friendly way. – Kenneth Lonergan Actorfriendly Quotes Hard Quotes Improvising Quotes Lot Quotes Scripts Quotes Writing Quotes Written Quotes Actors are very demanding because they have nowhere to hide. If I write a scene, it doesn’t turn out very well, I don’t ever have to show it to anyone; when you turn the camera on, or when you walk on stage, they have to feel like what’s happening is real. There are so many details in a movie that it’s amazing how much work you’ll do to change what adds up to not that much material.
Óscar Arias It’s not fair for the U.S. to spend, on arms and weapons, so much money and then not spend on health care the money that is needed. – Óscar Arias
Evan DavisFunny Being funny, it turns out, is like being a bank. It’s a confidence trick. As long as everyone believes in you, you are fine. – Evan Davis
Arvind Gupta I think I have learnt more about business from fighting than anything else – from any book, from any, like – fighting is an incredible megastore for doing business. – Arvind Gupta
Charlie Kimball You don’t get a mix of ovals and road/street course racing with this level of competition and speed anywhere other than Indy Car, and I think that’s why it has remained a popular choice for so many young drivers. – Charlie Kimball
Just Fontaine I think it’s good for sporting justice that Ronaldo scored twice in the final. – Just Fontaine
Rebecca MacKinnon We have to start thinking of ourselves as citizens of the Internet, not just passive users. I don’t see how we can bring about change in our digital lives if we don’t take responsibility. – Rebecca MacKinnon
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