Andrea McLean I do most of my shopping over the Internet because as a busy working mum I can do the supermarket shop when the kids have gone to bed. – Andrea McLean Bed Quotes Busy Quotes Internet Quotes Kids Quotes Mum Quotes Shop Quotes Shopping Quotes Supermarket Quotes The only time I’ve ever taken out a loan is for the building work I had done at our house and I did that by extending the mortgage. I’ve always been interested in DIY and home renovation – even from my first student flat. I’ve always left places better than when I moved in.
ArchitectureBernard Levin What has happened to architecture since the second world war that the only passers-by who can contemplate it without pain are those equipped with a white stick and a dog? – Bernard Levin
Madalyn Murray O'Hair I want three words: Woman, Atheist, Anarchist. That’s me. – Madalyn Murray O’Hair
DogenGardeningLove A flower falls, even though we love it; and a weed grows, even though we do not love it. – Dogen
Dixie Lee RayEnvironmental Mankind is considered (by the radical environmentalists) the lowest and the meanest of all species and is blamed for everything. – Dixie Lee Ray
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