Kendrick Sampson I do my best to choose projects that I believe highlight different things or at least provide some sort of progression for people of color. – Kendrick Sampson Choose Quotes Color Quotes Highlight Quotes People Quotes Progression Quotes Projects Quotes Provide Quotes Sort Quotes I’ve been in very protective shows: ‘How to Get Away With Murder,’ ‘Vampire Diaries,’ and even ‘Gracepoint’ and ‘Supernatural.’ They really protect their stories because they don’t want any leaks. Light-skinned privilege is largely through a white lens. It is exploited by oppressive forces… It was always a facade.
Apolo Ohno My dad’s great. He’s my biggest supporter. He’s always told me that whatever I choose to do, I can do it. I just gotta put my mind to it. – Apolo Ohno
Charlotte Ronson Just watching the people on the streets of N.Y. is inspiring; there are so many styles and unique points of view. Fashion is very much inspired by the streets, has always been, and I’m sure it will continue to do so. – Charlotte Ronson
DesignJames DysonScienceTechnology Design and technology should be the subject where mathematical brainboxes and science whizzkids turn their bright ideas into useful products. – James Dyson
Mem Fox I was the most Australian child ever in the world, even though my home was in Africa. – Mem Fox
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