Eric Van Lustbader I do not go down and sit in front of the computer and make myself write; that’s not my style. – Eric Van Lustbader Sit Quotes Style Quotes Write Quotes I mean, if you lined up 100 writers, you’d get 100 different ways in which they write. There’s no right way or wrong way to do it; it’s whatever your process is.
Cote de Pablo I like to be grounded by nature, go hiking… go to an isolated island that’s not glamorous and touristy at all. – Cote de Pablo
Lawrence Kudlow Democrats like Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders want to raise taxes on the rich, saying it will solve inequality. It won’t. All that will do is significantly reduce incentives to work, save, and invest. But I say inequality is not the problem. The problem is a lack of growth. – Lawrence Kudlow
Hannah Brown Going from ‘The Bachelorette’ to being on ‘Dancing with the Stars,’ I’m having to work through some things. – Hannah Brown
Bil Keane Many of the network television shows have done takeoffs on ‘Family Circus,’ including ‘David Letterman,’ ‘Friends,’ ‘Roseanne,’ and others, and, in my estimation the use of them is a compliment to the popularity of the feature, which just by mentioning it’s name sets up the image of a warm, loving family-type feature. – Bil Keane
Shannen Doherty I still get nervous on dates. I’ll be sitting at dinner with a guy and I have to excuse myself and go to the bathroom because I can’t breathe. – Shannen Doherty
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