David Rakoff I do not go outdoors… As far as I’m concerned, the whole point of living in New York City is indoors. You want greenery? Order the spinach. – David Rakoff City Quotes Concerned Quotes Greenery Quotes Indoors Quotes Living Quotes Outdoors Quotes Spinach Quotes York Quotes There’s nothing particularly wrong with being more pessimistic than optimistic. Optimism is broad-based, non-detail-oriented thinking; pessimism is detail-oriented thinking. I aspire to write what are called ‘familiar essays.’ They begin in the personal and end in the universal. It’s not for me to say if I have been successful at it. But that is the hope.
GodMyles Munroe So what do you desire to do? What do you really want to do as a person? You need to stop and document that; write it down; make a plan; and then God says, ‘I’ll direct your steps.’ – Myles Munroe
Dante Basco My grandfather was a survivor of the Death March and his war buddies were among our neighbors. Where we lived in San Francisco, there was a cultural center where the Filipinos congregate to have parties and to celebrate Bataan Day. – Dante Basco
ImaginationJoshua Oppenheimer I think Direct Cinema’s trying to be insightful by looking at reality in a very close way while, in fact, much more is staged than we like to think. In cinema verite, it’s about trying to make something invisible visible – the role of fantasy and imagination in everyday life. – Joshua Oppenheimer
Dexter Filkins The whole kind of post-World War I settlement that formed the modern Middle East is in danger of collapsing, and we can – we, the United States, you know, the preeminent power in the world – we can say that we want to ignore that, but how long can we avert our gaze? And how long can we stay out? – Dexter Filkins
EducationSolomon Ortiz Education is the silver bullet to improve this Nation’s standing worldwide… and our teachers know that. – Solomon Ortiz
Napoleon HillWar War grows out of the desire of the individual to gain advantage at the expense of his fellow man. – Napoleon Hill
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