Michael Servetus I do not separate Christ from God more than a voice from the speaker or a beam from the sun. Christ is the voice of the speaker. He and the Father are the same thing, as the beam and the light, are the same light. – Michael Servetus Beam Quotes Christ Quotes Father Quotes God Quotes Light Quotes Separate Quotes Speaker Quotes Sun Quotes Voice Quotes Lutherans, whose arguments and mistakes will not be difficult to contest or discover, do not want to attribute any value to works, and they do not understand enough the scope of the justification. God gave us the mind so that we can know him.
Adam-Troy Castro Limit your inputs to only those that support a certain kind of self-destructive behavior, and you can be cheered with enthusiasm as you drive yourself off a cliff. – Adam-Troy Castro
Rostam Batmanglij A lot of what being a producer is, is giving people space. Like psychologically being there to help them realize what they’re trying to do. – Rostam Batmanglij
Marcus Allen Even as voters, we try to keep up with the guys as much as possible, mainly through television or ESPN. – Marcus Allen
Christopher Hitchens I used to wish there was a useful term for those of us who thought American power should be used to remove psychopathic dictators. – Christopher Hitchens
Chrissy Teigen My tolerance for tears is very little when you’re beautiful and crying over nothing. – Chrissy Teigen
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