F Sionil Jose I do not want to be bored listening to music that is muffled and known only to the poet himself. – F Sionil Jose Bored Quotes Listening Quotes Muffled Quotes Music Quotes Poet Quotes Poetry is emotion, passion, love, grief – everything that is human. It is not for zombies by zombies. I am for poetry that is admired by peasant and aristocrat alike.
Jane Green I have a deep and passionate love of America. It is where I have always thought I would be happiest, and although I miss England desperately, I find that my heart definitely has its home over here. – Jane Green
Paula Pell Everyone knows people like that: You’re looking at their milky, glazed-over eyes, and you know they’re not listening. – Paula Pell
DreamsFamilyFriendshipZendaya Shake It Up’ definitely teaches kids about the importance of reaching for your dreams and setting high goals. It also teaches great lessons about friendship and family. – Zendaya
Charles Leclerc Out of the car I am normal, calm. In the car I want to give my best. It is passion, when you are passionate about something you give everything. I change quite a lot when I am in the car. – Charles Leclerc
Gene Ween My decision to leave ‘Ween’, however interpreted, was absolutely not made in haste. – Gene Ween
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