Arthur Phillips I do worry that it’s impossible to write something original, that there’s nothing that a human hasn’t already thought of. But I can put it out of my mind and get on with what I’m doing. – Arthur Phillips Human Quotes Impossible Quotes Mind Quotes Original Quotes Worry Quotes Write Quotes It would be hard to exaggerate Ernest Hemingway’s influence over American literature, but his influence on our lives is probably larger still. Write. Enjoy writing. Then, and only then, worry about the business end of it. Start loving your hobby, and then you can’t go too wrong.
MedicalSamuel Wilson I spent some time at White Memorial Medical Center as a senior medical student doing a rotation in surgery; however, I felt I wasn’t getting enough time assisting. – Samuel Wilson
Lizzie Armitstead I’ve been successful because I’ve never been someone to shy away from taking responsibility. – Lizzie Armitstead
Lisa Jewell I changed my mind about being a famous pop star when I realised that it meant I’d never be able to get on the Tube again. – Lisa Jewell
Beatrix Potter All outward forms of religion are almost useless, and are the causes of endless strife. Believe there is a great power silently working all things for good, behave yourself and never mind the rest. – Beatrix Potter
Dee Bradley Baker I’m a middle-aged dad, which means I have no social time or life to speak of, and so I connect with my buddies with my Xbox. – Dee Bradley Baker
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