Felicia Day I don’t appeal to everyone well. I appeal to fewer people in a much stronger way. That’s what fandom is to me, and what creates fans for everything I make. – Felicia Day Appeal Quotes Creates Quotes Fandom Quotes Fans Quotes People Quotes Stronger Quotes Now that we’ve transitioned to more Smart TVs, where people are broadcasting their cable box, I hope that Geek & Sundry is something that people will click on in the future, knowing that they’re going to get content that they love. For the vlogging channel, I wanted to build the infrastructure and build up all the personalities in a way that felt like weren’t just forcing the audience to watch everyone we have.
FamousRachel Griffiths But just playing the partner of someone famous, I had a lot more freedom. – Rachel Griffiths
Manny Ramirez A bunch of guys are going to look at me and say hey, this guy made a mistake but he didn’t quit. – Manny Ramirez
Greg Graffin So much of the habitat destruction and pollution is based on the simple principle that we somehow have been given free license over other species to degrade the planet. – Greg Graffin
Jimmy Page It was an extraordinary connection, the synergy within the band. There was an area of ESP between Robert Plant, John Paul Jones, John Bonham, and myself. – Jimmy Page
Carl Frampton That retirement plan I had, getting out by 32, may still be the case even though at the minute it’s in the back of my mind. It’s important to get out at the right time. – Carl Frampton
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