Jaclyn Smith I don’t even think my children are aware of what I’ve done. When somebody will ask me for my autograph, Spenser-Margaret will say, ‘You must watch ‘Charlie’s Angels.’ You know, that’s like all I’ve done to them. – Jaclyn Smith Angels Quotes Autograph Quotes Aware Quotes Charlies Quotes Children Quotes Spensermargaret Quotes Watch Quotes Kmart uses such mass production that they are able to lower their prices. My hose, for instance, is made by the same factory, the same machines, the same threads as the hose made by four top designers. I de-stress with my family, just at home pruning roses, cutting, working in the garden.
Patrick Nielsen Hayden The small visual inconvenience of e-books is made up for with find and search functions, and the fungibility of digital text. – Patrick Nielsen Hayden
T J Miller Slowly but surely, I went through different phases of fame, and each rises you further into isolation and alienation. – T J Miller
Nina Turner Same way we have enough money to bail out Wall Street, we need to put a down payment on Main Street. – Nina Turner
Robert H Grubbs My interest in science started in junior high school where an outstanding science teacher, Mrs. Baumgardner, introduced me to the joys of science. – Robert H Grubbs
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