Farrah Abraham I don’t ever want my daughter growing up questioning who she is or her choices. I want her to be a strong, happy individual. – Farrah Abraham Choices Quotes Daughter Quotes Growing Quotes Happy Quotes Individual Quotes Questioning Quotes Strong Quotes My daughter knows she is loved. My daughter knows she has a mom, and I’m there, and I’m not worried about anything of what everyone else is worried about. If I’m ever concerned about something, I’ll have security deal with it.
Piet Mondrian I came to the destruction of volume by the use of the plane. This I accomplished by means of lines cutting the planes. But still, the plane remained too intact. So I came to making only lines and brought the colour within the lines. Now the only problem was to destroy these lines also through mutual oppositions. – Piet Mondrian
Novak Djokovic You have to consistently be successful to be one of the top players in the world, and everything is possible in life. – Novak Djokovic
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