Chloe Kim I don’t get butterflies. I get a good feeling in my stomach before I compete. When I don’t, I get worried. – Chloe Kim Butterflies Quotes Compete Quotes Feeling Quotes Stomach Quotes Worried Quotes I hate it when I get grumpy. But I can only be high-energy for so long. I grew up in Southern California. If it’s snowing on a day I’m supposed to train, I’ll just stare out the window in all my gear and be like, ‘Hmmm, maybe not today.’ I hate being cold.
Ant Middleton I joined the Marines, passed Special Forces selection, and became a young leader in the military. – Ant Middleton
Frank Ocean A friend of mine jokes that I have a painstaking royalty complex. Like maybe I was a duke in a past life. – Frank Ocean
Mustafa Ali The biggest thing with the ‘205’ guys is that we are trying to build the brand and each other, which makes it more difficult, but we are all stepping up to the plate. – Mustafa Ali
Miguel Nicolelis It’s the first time an exoskeleton has been controlled by brain activity and offered feedback to the patients. Doing a demonstration in a stadium is something very much outside our routine in robotics. It’s never been done before. – Miguel Nicolelis
Felix FrankfurterWisdom Wisdom too often never comes, and so one ought not to reject it merely because it comes late. – Felix Frankfurter
Emma Goldman Every daring attempt to make a great change in existing conditions, every lofty vision of new possibilities for the human race, has been labeled Utopian. – Emma Goldman
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