Paul Daniels I don’t get many hecklers now but answering them is an art form in itself. – Paul Daniels Answering Quotes Art Quotes Form Quotes Hecklers Quotes When people say to me don’t the years go fast I have to be honest and say that whereas I don’t realise where they go in the long term, I pack so much into a year it seems to take forever. I don’t particularly have any magical ambitions, but then, I never did. I just enjoyed the game.
Paul Watson The Brer Rabbit ploy has been quite effective for me. When a country is talking about prosecuting me, I demand to be charged and put on trial and offer to pay my own airfare. They know that I’m going to bring a lot of international media with me and put their whaling programme on trial, and they decide it’s better to keep quiet and do nothing. – Paul Watson
Samina Baig Chashkin Sar was virgin, and we climbed it for the first time, and afterwards, the people renamed it as Samina Baig. – Samina Baig
Don Shula He wants to be his own man and be recognized for what he’s done. He’s not asking for anything because of his name. That was a tough situation to go into at Alabama, but he probably wouldn’t have been given the job if the situation would have been different. – Don Shula
Anton ChekhovNature Let us learn to appreciate there will be times when the trees will be bare, and look forward to the time when we may pick the fruit. – Anton Chekhov
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