Katherine Heigl I don’t have a lot of discipline. – Katherine Heigl Discipline Quotes Lot Quotes If I wasn’t in this industry, I wouldn’t work out. I spent so many years just saying what I felt without thinking about the ramifications, without understanding that I have this opinion but not everyone might share that opinion and now they don’t like me because of it.
Ally CondieTeacher One of the things I’ve always liked about my husband is he’s very good at lots of stuff. He was an English teacher when I met him. He wrote poetry and played the guitar. As time went on, he decided to go into economics, so he’s very analytical and mathematical in addition to his artsy side. – Ally Condie
Christian LouboutinDesign I have no problem with the idea of comfort, but it is not an important thing aesthetically. If you look at a shoe and immediately say it looks very comfortable, in terms of design, it is not going to excite me. Of course, I am not putting nails in my shoes to ensure everybody is in pain, but a heel is not a pair of slippers and never will be. – Christian Louboutin
Ross Butler I’m allergic to cats, so I’m psychologically wired to associating kittens with itchy eyes and popping Claritin. – Ross Butler
Jeffrey Bernard There’s nothing undignified about lying about all day and being waited on by servants, sipping bloody champagne. – Jeffrey Bernard
Taissa Farmiga I have a rebellious teenage thing. If my mom says I can’t do it, I’m gonna do it. But I’m pretty good. That’s why it was fun to play Sam in ‘The Bling Ring.’ I got to be someone crazy and wild to the extreme, then go home and relax and get rid of the burden. – Taissa Farmiga
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