Jane Elliot I don’t have a Twitter account. I don’t go to fan club gatherings. I’m not one of those actors who spends a lot of time engaging with the audience. – Jane Elliot Account Quotes Actors Quotes Audience Quotes Club Quotes Engaging Quotes Fan Quotes Gatherings Quotes Lot Quotes Spends Quotes Time Quotes Twitter Quotes I think I’m the only 65-year-old actress in Los Angeles who hasn’t had plastic surgery, so somebody’s gotta play the old-lady parts! No white group has founded a major religion on this planet. The major religious were started in the Orient and the Middle East, not in Greece and Rome. I always knew you racists didn’t have a prayer.
Jason Katims A lot of times as writers, you want to come up with the best possible story, and you bend it according to what you want to happen. I think one of the things that I always try to think about is what would really happen in a situation, what feels real. – Jason Katims
ArchitectureOscar Niemeyer I search for surprise in my architecture. A work of art should cause the emotion of newness. – Oscar Niemeyer
Jay Weatherill The two defining issues of this century are both universal but felt locally: the global water crisis and the resources boom. – Jay Weatherill
Jane Elliot We don’t need a melting pot in this country, folks. We need a salad bowl. In a salad bowl, you put in the different things. You want the vegetables – the lettuce, the cucumbers, the onions, the green peppers – to maintain their identity. You appreciate differences. – Jane Elliot
Richard Sherman You don’t want to always put a bunch of sugar in you. Because your sugar gets high, it gets stuck in your blood, it gets stuck in your system. It makes you tired. You have the ups and downs. – Richard Sherman
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