Jack Nicholson I don’t have any plugs or tucks but people do what they want. I look at it as mutilation. – Jack Nicholson Mutilation Quotes People Quotes Plugs Quotes Tucks Quotes I know I can act. There aren’t too many other jobs I know how to do. I don’t have any fear of intimacy, but rather thrive on it, which is rare in a public person.
Judy Smith Allegations become facts, and facts become truth in the eyes of the public, whether they are true or not. – Judy Smith
Glenn Danzig My view on Democrats is that they’re fascists disguised as liberals, or liberal moderates. You’re not allowed to say anything they don’t agree with. You’re not allowed to do anything. – Glenn Danzig
Katie Lowes I think it’s just important to be always bouncing between TV and theater, and hopefully I’ll get to do movies at some point. – Katie Lowes
J Maarten Troost So you’ve decided to travel around the world. This is an excellent thing to do. It’s a precious place, this planet. We should see it. – J Maarten Troost
MedicalPotter Stewart Abortion is inherently different from other medical procedures because no other procedure involves the purposeful termination of a potential life. – Potter Stewart
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