Fiona Apple I don’t know if anybody wants to mix their politics with their entertainment. – Fiona Apple Entertainment Quotes Mix Quotes Politics Quotes The quick success was a bit strange to get used to. What’s really good is African drum music.
ChristmasIan Watson It’s bad enough being conned into singing an anti-war message by John Lennon when you think you’re just wishing everyone a merry Christmas. – Ian Watson
Kate Nash When I was younger, I’d always cry on Christmas Day, and I didn’t know why. Now I know it’s because I was just overwhelmed by the togetherness. – Kate Nash
Eva Moskowitz It’s one thing to have a president with whose politics you disagree; it’s another to have a president who doesn’t even seem to care about your welfare. – Eva Moskowitz
Rick Springfield I used to cut guitars out of a piece of cardboard to copy the Strat look. I used a backwards tennis racket for a while and graduated to the cardboard cutout. – Rick Springfield
Bonnie Langford I go to the gym regularly, not just for the way I look but because it makes me less cranky, too. – Bonnie Langford
Liz Carr I take a hot water bottle to bed pretty much 365 days a year and even when the sun is shining, I’ll be the one in a scarf and mittens. – Liz Carr
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