Christian Kane I don’t know if I could write songs if it wasn’t for the female race, to be honest with you. – Christian Kane Female Quotes Honest Quotes Race Quotes Songs Quotes Write Quotes Joss Whedon who created ‘Buffy The Vampire Slayer,’ ‘Angel,’ and all that… he is a genius. I started rocking and rolling when Guns N’ Roses came out. It wasn’t until Garth Brooks came around that I really got back to country. He made it fun again. To me, in country music, the rigor mortis was setting in and it just wasn’t fun anymore. Garth brought everyone back over to country and made it cool again.
Paulie Malignaggi A lot of people in barber shops all over Brooklyn talk about Paulie Malignaggi v. Zab Judah. – Paulie Malignaggi
iJustine It’s daunting to go back through the past, to read tweets and come across Facebook profiles of people who have passed away. It stirs up memories you never actually shared online or never will share online. It was a very emotional process. – iJustine
Edge I always hated that ‘You Think You Know Me’ music because it never fit me and what I actually listen to. – Edge
Anthony Bennett There are some people saying I’m a tweener – not tall enough for a power forward and not fast enough for a three. But I feel like if I go out there and play hard, it will eliminate all that. – Anthony Bennett
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