John Fogerty I don’t know that all the demons have been beaten, but I’m very, very proud of those songs. – John Fogerty Beaten Quotes Demons Quotes Songs Quotes I stuck with that size because I could bend the strings so well, and somewhere along the line I must have gotten it into my mind that I had small hands, so I was thinking I’d never be able to play a full-scale guitar, but I also felt like I was cheating or cutting corners. Even though I have often recorded alone, I still feel the best music is made by musicians playing off each other.
L Lionel Kendrick Our Heavenly Father continues to communicate with us through revelation. These revelations are communications of divine directions. They may come to us personally or through the voice of the Lord’s chosen servants, the prophets, seers, and revelators. – L Lionel Kendrick
Kelly Miller For a century after the reign of Frederick, Prussia remained the most prominent Germanic state in Europe. – Kelly Miller
Paul Weller I really enjoy playing America. I like the audiences there. It’s the home of a lot of music I grew up with. – Paul Weller
Grant Shapps One of my priorities is getting the trains to run on time, and as a commuter myself I understand all too well the frustration caused by endless delays and cancellations. – Grant Shapps
Jon Pertwee In all my years as an actor, I had never been me – I had always hidden behind my glasses, mustaches and funny voices. – Jon Pertwee
Ivica Zubac People are still feeling like it’s war. Croatians hate Serbians and Serbians hate Croatians. They don’t want to talk to each other. – Ivica Zubac
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