Peter Graves I don’t know the secret of ‘Mission: Impossible”s success. If I did, I’d have probably produced a couple of TV series, made myself rich, and retired! – Peter Graves Couple Quotes Impossibles Quotes Mission Quotes Produced Quotes Retired Quotes Rich Quotes Secret Quotes Series Quotes Success Quotes I had several turtles before they were in. People seemed to think they were funny. Now everyone is wearing them practically every place. I think that’s real fine, but I don’t agree they should go to a formal affair. Turtlenecks with dinner jackets seem ridiculous to me. I, personally, like good clothes. I appreciate a fine tailored suit, and I’m impressed with the expansion of color in men’s wardrobes.
John Quelch When you have a CEO who is an ex-CMO, that is going to put the marketing tool kit front and center. – John Quelch
Kate Gosselin I am a working mom and cameras are on me, so people catch me traveling or working. – Kate Gosselin
Pritam Singh Indeed, many Singaporeans hope the opposition can unite and coordinate their efforts so as to become a more relevant political force. – Pritam Singh
Dwight D EisenhowerFreedomMedical If you want total security, go to prison. There you’re fed, clothed, given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking… is freedom. – Dwight D Eisenhower
Jimmy Dean I used to help my granddaddy make sausage. He would mix it up in a cleaned-out washtub with his hands, no gloves. Man, if we did anything like that today, they would jack the jail up and throw us under it. – Jimmy Dean
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