Ken Griffey Jr I don’t know what my numbers are as a DH, but the fact that you’re sitting basically for three hours and 38 minutes of a baseball game, you’re hoping you get four or five at-bats. – Ken Griffey Jr Atbats Quotes Baseball Quotes Basically Quotes Dh Quotes Game Quotes Hoping Quotes Hours Quotes Minutes Quotes Sitting Quotes I’m in a Catch-22. If I don’t go after a ball, I’m lazy, I’m not giving it 100 percent. If I do dive for the ball – which I did, and blew out my shoulder – it’s, Why did I play it so hard? I like how in little league they have nine kids who play the field but we have 17 kids on the roster and all 17 kids should hit. I like that we do that down here in Florida.
Layla Moran MPs put ourselves at the behest of the British people, certainly, but we are not infallible or devoid of sensitivity. – Layla Moran
Alexa Bliss I’ve been very fortunate to be given the opportunities I’ve been given, and it’s been awesome. You know I’m really looking forward to seeing how this Women’s Evolution continues. – Alexa Bliss
Ann CurryTeacher I think eventually I want to become a teacher, like my father wanted to be, and hopefully positively influence the next generation. – Ann Curry
Khalil GibranLoveRelationship But let there be spaces in your togetherness and let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but make not a bond of love: let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls. – Khalil Gibran
C Thomas Howell To be a good director, you have to spend a lot of time on actual sets, but today, there’s a lot of people who spend a lot of time in dark rooms writing a script, and they’ll go in and tell the story to some suit at a studio who says, ‘Okay, this is great, let’s go.’ But that doesn’t necessarily mean you know what to do once you’re on set. – C Thomas Howell
HappinessMary Oliver We all have a hungry heart, and one of the things we hunger for is happiness. So as much as I possibly could, I stayed where I was happy. – Mary Oliver
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