David Benioff I don’t like extremely long movies. I tend to get a bit impatient. There are definitely exceptions, like ‘Lawrence of Arabia,’ but for the most part, I feel that movies should usually be shorter and not longer. – David Benioff Arabia Quotes Bit Quotes Exceptions Quotes Extremely Quotes Feel Quotes Impatient Quotes Lawrence Quotes Movies Quotes Shorter Quotes Tend Quotes Movies that are subtitled don’t usually do as well in American theatres. If you’re writing a screenplay for a feature, you don’t have any involvement with the casting process, the editing process, the set design, the costume design, or any of that stuff.
George H W Bush I think the 24-hour news cycle has helped exaggerate the differences between the parties. You can always find someone on TV somewhere carping about something. That didn’t happen 20 years ago. – George H W Bush
Dhanush My mother is most attached to my brother because she has the feeling that she could not provide him anything. By the time I was born, at least I got a meal and a half a day, but he sometimes got only water. – Dhanush
Joe Montana There is nothing worse for me than sitting in traffic. That’s what killed me in L.A. – Joe Montana
Robert Wagner I was spawned by some pretty good people in this business – Mr. Astaire, Mr. Tracy. They stopped and took their time to talk to people. – Robert Wagner
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