Madonna Ciccone I don’t like rooms you never use or that are wasted space but I also like a sparseness and a cleanness. – Madonna Ciccone Cleanness Quotes Space Quotes Sparseness Quotes Wasted Quotes I think that everyone should get married at least once, so you can see what a silly, outdated institution it is. I get strength from my art – all the paintings I own are powerful.
Benny Fine There will be four ancillary shows on the MyMusic channel, and we’ll be updating an entire blog with up-to-the-minute music news. You can visit it like BuzzFeed or Pitchfork and get album reviews. It’s all as part of the sitcom experience, written by the characters. – Benny Fine
Dan Hill At 10, I heard Neil Diamond’s ‘Solitary Man’ and it moved me so deeply I stood, frozen in place during school recess, feeling such empathy for the narrator in Diamond’s masterpiece that my heart was smashed. – Dan Hill
Martin O'Neill I had a great time at Celtic. They are a fantastic football club, one of the greatest in the world, and if there was a united Premier League they could build an extra tier and still fill 85,000 every home game. – Martin O’Neill
Matteo Renzi Italy will never be a normal country. Because Italy is Italy. If we were a normal country, we wouldn’t have Rome. We wouldn’t have Florence. We wouldn’t have the marvel that is Venice. – Matteo Renzi
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