ArtFrank StellaLife I don’t like to say I have given my life to art. I prefer to say art has given me my life. – Frank Stella Art Quotes Frank Stella Quotes Life Quotes Prefer Quotes All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on. Every human is an artist. The dream of your life is to make beautiful art.
Ina Garten I worked for the Office of Management and Budget in the White House, on nuclear energy policy. But I decided it would be much more fun to have a specialty food store, so I left Washington D.C. and moved to the Hamptons. And how glad I am that I did! – Ina Garten
Demetri Martin As a creative person, you want to have a foothold and sense of progress. – Demetri Martin
Nathan Deal Using adult stem cells drawn from bone marrow and umbilical cord blood system cells, scientists have discovered new treatments for scores of diseases and conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, juvenile diabetes, and spinal cord injuries. – Nathan Deal
Jessi Klein I find it extremely ironic that Bush says that personal opinion should not be a tool in the interpretation of the Constitution, when he’s the one who’s lobbying for a Constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. If that doesn’t stem from personal opinion, I don’t know what does. – Jessi Klein
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