Norman Jewison I don’t like to think that maybe I’m just getting old. I’m not too excited about watching a huge explosion. I’m more interested in people and characters. – Norman Jewison Characters Quotes Excited Quotes Explosion Quotes Huge Quotes People Quotes Watching Quotes But Madonna has a small amount of talent when it comes to movies. I mean they’re making remakes of my films and I’m not even dead yet! Why would you want to make a remake?
ArtExperienceLearningRoy Lichtenstein The importance of art is in the process of doing it, in the learning experience where the artist interacts with whatever is being made. – Roy Lichtenstein
Paul Dini With ‘Tower Prep,’ Cartoon Network wanted to go into a new area where no other kids’ programming was going. There were a lot of kids’ sitcoms on the air, but they wanted to really go with more of like an adventure/drama feel. – Paul Dini
Calvin Harris To throw a shoe at a man in Dundee is the equivalent of a kiss on the cheek and an embrace in London. Dundee is a very different place; they have their own rules. – Calvin Harris
Sarah Millican A lot of people think that being skinny is the happy ending, and it’s not. Being happy is the happy ending. – Sarah Millican
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